Sitting in the Blue Ridge : photo by Malcolm Aslett

A couple of days ago on a hike in the Shenandoah Park the battery on my camera gave out and I was reduced to taking shots with my iphone. Not that they don't take interesting pics. Only, when you get down to the little pixels in an iphone pic everything turns to muesli. Still, it was what I had and for this scene I took four panoramas straight across and then put them together by various means.

The colours are always rich and vibrant on those phones. It was early in the morning, maybe eight when this was taken, so not that dark. The distant valley still came out quite dunkel. Nevermind. I figured it was indicative of the 'Blue Ridge' and thought it added to the mood. I kept the foreground pieces much lighter. The odd green bush with the bit of an aura had to be fiddled with. As the whole thing brought to mind a hike to the top of Mount Sinai and tales of the burning bush (they actually have a bush at the base nicely tended with a sign saying: The Burning Bush" ) I went with leaving that slight glow about it. The bigger the photograph is reproduced at the more it will distract the eye, I suspect. At this size it doesn't matter that much.

I can't get enough of those stone textures.






